My Ah Lao posted this pix on his FB, quoting ~Chess is a piece of Cake~ :D
This is a cake combining my daughter's hobby & mine..... Nyx plays Chess in School... she is in the Junior Chess Club @ Northland Primary School.
Nyx wanted me to make her this Chessboard Cake (aka checkerboard cake) for her Birthday since few months ago... I wasn't sure if I'm able to do it... so I spent a few days browsing websites about this kind of cake. At first I tot it was easy... just need to buy candy mould can oredi... :D
Doing this cake take me many evenings to melt those chocolate... Its actually easier than molding fondant figurines.... but chocolate-melting is a messy task :P I dunno how much paper hand towel r wasted and every nite I have to bleach those kitchen hand towels as all r stained by my chocolate :D
I used chocolate compound for the "black" pieces as its much easier to melt & harden compared to high-cocoa content chocolate.... anyway, kids just love the "sweetness" not the % of cocoa content :P
Actually, I know nuts about chess game.... I dun even know how to display the chess pieces... so I got to get my daughter to be my adviser :P

These white pieces r melted with white chocolate compound.... very SWEET!!

I'm so satisfied with this cake.... everyone in school was like "WOW!! U MEAN THIS IS A CAKE & U MADE IT???" heheheee.... my lips swinging from left to right :D