Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Teachers' Day 2010

These "Happy Teachers' Day" Cupcakes are for Nyx's and Tessa's teachers @ school

These are for Ms Chua, Nyx's Piano Teacher ;-)
I like the Piano Keyboard CupCake especially ;-) Glad that Ms Chua likes it too :D

These mini cupcakes are for the rest of the teachers and staff @ Tessa's Childcare Ctr ;-)

Pretty present bags from Daiso.... Nicely packaged for Nyx to bring to school... but I dunno if the cuppies will reach the teachers' hands intact =P coz my gal is so clumsy all the time =P hehee...
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Friday, August 27, 2010

BlueBerry Ice-Cream Oreo CheeseCake

Chilled CheeseCakewith BlueBerry Ice-Cream Oreo cookie Crust.

Decorated with BlueBerry Chocolate + MiniOreo + Colorful hundreds&thousands

come n have a slice ;-)

Actually, I dun like the blueberry chocolate at all :P tasted too artificial :( more like those grape-flavour bubblegum I ate when I was very young :P
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House-Keeping.... There goes my Wilton Easter & Christmas set :(

All turned RUSTY liao :( and yes... they r Wilton Easter Set and Makin's Christmas Set :(
And I wonder if those cookie and cake shop ppl will continue to use their "rusty" cookie cutters? or will they ever care or realise their equipements' condition at all?? :P I better bake my own cookies & cakes forever :P

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1st [FAILED] attempt on Dairy Whipping Cream

This is my 1st (FAILED) attempt using Dairy Whipping cream :P and wasted SGD 6.80 :( all thrown inside dustbin :P

I've only been using Pride & Rich's Brand of Non-Dairy Whipping Cream. But it wasn't available @ Fairprice... so my Ice-Cream making partner bought this EMBORG brand to try... but hor, why it turn out "curdy-curdy" one? feel so bad :( throw away her $$ :P In the end, I went back home to get my Rich's brand from my freezer.... then the creammy, creammy, swee swee, yummy yummy ice-cream done and put to set in her freezer liao. But I never take foto coz go to go out with family liao... :D
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Crisco Chocolate Chips Cookies + Raisin Cookies

Got to finish up the can of Crisco before its expiry on 04Sept... =P so u'll see me baking lots of cookies the coming week :D so boring?? yes lor... i had posted so many cookies recipes b4... so no need to say more again lah....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

u like myBakez?

feeling kind of emo recently.... I just like to say that baking is my hobby and I'm not interested (at this moment) to make a business out of it. I do not wish to turn my hobby into a chore :(

Think of it.... when a hobby become a chore, its not fun anymore.... isn't it??