Thursday, September 24, 2009

Creamy Lemon Pie

I was at Cold Storage (again!) this morning and I'm so happy to see that they have stocked their frozen dept. with so many convenient, ready-to-use pastry items. :-)
This Creamy Lemon Pie was made with this ready-made Pie-Dish. Just need to thaw it on table-top for 10mins, then bake @ 220c. for 10mins and its ready to be filled with whatever you like.
My Lemon Pie filling was made using this 2-mins formula from Jell-O. Just need to add 1.5 cups of cold milk and mix for 2 minutes using electric mixer. I added 1tbsp gelatine powder + 30ml water to "curd" the filling. Below the lemon curd, I made another layer of filling.... Whipping cream + strawberry slices.
Then refrigerate for at least 3hrs till set.
Simple isn't it?
Lemon Pie on Foodista


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