Monday, November 9, 2009

PowerBerry Fruit Jelly

Becoming a SAHM had made me a fan of SimplyHer Magazine... Its a long time since I own a updated issue of HERworld or Harpers Bazzar.  Instead, SimplyHer is so much of my everday life of being a "AUNTIE" although i'm a "more-modern" one =P  

Nyx love to go thru whatever i'm reading.  She was not allowed to watch TV as her punishment last nite for being naughty.  So she dug thru my stack of magazines and she found this....  and she wanted me to make her this "PowerBerry Jelly Dessert".  What to do??  Being the faithful servant of this household had left me without any choice :( 

Starting this blog is rather a good idea to keep a journal of what I had done for the kids. Being a SAHM isn't anything I want or like to do... its so boring.  Besides trying to forget my wonderful figure in the corporate world, I have to stay home and be a "AUNTIE".  And I have to pretend not to hear those stupid gossips by all the idolts out there!  People r thinking I'm just staying home doing nothing while I send my girls to full-day childcare centres or spending away my husband's hard-earn $$ X-(  Wonder why people dunno that my husband is earning enough $$ now to give me a more than comfortable life?  and why they didn't know that more than 55% of our house morgage is pre-paid and I actually came out half of the amount?  Hubby is only paying like 5% from his monthly income to service the remaining morgage!  and all from the CPF account, no cash involved!!  I'm not sitting around doing nothing.... I think I earned what I'm doing now AT A BIG LOSS some more as I have no more income :(

Ok ok... enough of whining & complaining... I'm just angry with some stupid aunties out there who kept saying that its so "sayang" or wasted of me to quit my good-paying job and stay at home.  And some stupid relative who thought that I'm always spending on my hubby's hard-earn $$.

Anyway, I love my blog coz its a showcase of all the nice-nice desserts I made for my gals... ;-)

...and I made 12 PowerBerry Jelly Cuppies!

The look, smell & taste of the berries-berries made me smile :-)

My girls love berries and so do I :-)


  1. I can fully understand what you've gone through. I get lots of comments like "how's life as a tai tai" and I really hated that. Without any helper at home, I'm literally the maid so what tai tai life have I got? Argh!!!

    BTW, your jelly looks delicious!

  2. haha! thanks for understanding how i felt :D

    my gals really love this jelly but I dun really like the taste of the powerberry fruit juice... think the raspberry flavour is kind of too strong for me.
