Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Napoleons with Lemon Cream & Strawberries

Napoleons aka Millefeuilles.... I saw this yummy recipe from a book I borrowed from NLB (National Library Board, Singapore) and wanted so much to make it!!
above 2 Pictures r taken by my hubby ;-)
~Napoleon au citron et aux fraises~

Lots of yummy & good looking desserts in this book!!

...and Here's the recipe ;-)

These 2 pix r taken by my phone camera =P

Yummy....yummy..... I really like it very much!!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Did these last minute last nite.... Just in time for Christmas!!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Cream Cheese buttercream icing with hundreds & thousands on
Nice X'mas cups bought from Ann's Shop, Bakewell @ JB many months ago :P
Did not many... only 12 cupcakes in total.
Kosong cupcake for my furry babies... Sherry & DongDong :D
Those cute Christmas royal icing figurines r bought from BKK! 10baht each only wor :D

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


~ a very Merry Christmas to all thy fellow Baking Bloggers!! ~
~Oh Christmas Tree... Oh Christmas Tree...~
...and I wish upon a star......
...and Christmas is all about LOVE LOVE LOVE.....
No, Not Gingerbread Man...
This is ButterCookie Boy :D ...and he wears Red Color pants :D

X'mas Tree on Cookies :D
Candy Cane cookies :D

** Credit: cookies designs & instruction inspired from **

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My 1st Tiramisu attempt ~ Kahlua Infused Tiramisu ~

I remembered my Italian colleagues brought me to that restaurant in Verona for lunch few years ago and insisted on me trying its "world-best" Tiramisu. I abide of coz... but was amazed by its totally unappetizing & ugly serving presentation =P (it looks like a pile of "lao-sai" spooned onto a plate!!! yaks!) and seriously, I dun have a slight remembrance of how it tasted!!!!! hahaaaa....
Recently there are so many submission on FoodGawker & local bloggers with their very beautiful & neat looking Tiramisu Torte Cake... and I was very attracted to that "slice of cake" by HHB so I tried my 1st Tiramisu attempt :D Hubby and I were quite satisfied with this cake attempt of mine!!
7 O'clock
Oh!! See how un-neat my cutting skill was :(
how can i prevent the cocoa powder from "flowing down" to the Tiramisu filling??

5 O'clock
This is a mini Tiramisu attempt done on a 4.5-inches sponge cake. Cake tin with removable base bought from Daiso :D

Ingredients for Coffee Syrup
1 tbsp instant Nescafe Gold blend powder
1/2 cup boiling water
1/2 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp Kahlua Liqueur

Dissolve instant coffee powder & sugar in boiling water. Set aside to cool.
Stir in Kahlua

Ingredients for Tiramisu Filling
120g Cream Cheese
1 tbsp icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp Kahlua Liqueur
5 tbsp Coffee Syrup
120g whipping cream

**(Cocoa powder for dusting, chocolate curls & chocolate coffee beans for decoration)**
Whisk whipping cream till soft peak, set aside.
Whisk cream cheese and icing sugar till combined, add in vanilla extract, Kahlua and coffee syrup. Mix for about 1 minute then add in whipped cream & mix for another 5 mins.

Assembling of Cake

Verdict: This is a nice cake!!! however, I feel that its a little too sweet for me as I'm someone who drinks coffee without sugar. [i prefer kopi-si kosong ;-)] I will omit sugar in the coffee syrup & filling in my future Tiramisu attempt! Yummmmmm.....

Left over Tiramisu Filling and chocolate curls for my afternoon tea :D

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chilled Oreo Cheesecake ~ No Bake again!

No nuts & chocolates had been my baking rules as My little Tessa is nut allergy... meaning Oreo is also a No-No for her.... but she is turning 4yrs old next month.... We just hope that she is just a Childhood Allergy case and will overcome the "nut-problem" as she grows older.
We were advised by doctors to give her bits of nut-stuff to boost-up her war against this allergy thing. She had pieces of Oreo biscuits for the past few months and she seems not having any reaction to it... Lets see if she will break-out with rashes tonite after these cuppies :P
Thess Jelly cups had been of good use!! ;-)

~Oh~ Oreo Oreo Oreo.... :D

Friday, November 27, 2009

Berri-Berri Pie

~Oh~ Everyone is making Thanks giving Pie on FoodGawker.... Then I remembered those very Expensive Fruitti Pies selling @ Fruits Paradize, Orchard Central 8-[ **faint** I will never pay SGD80.00 for a fruit pie in my life :D unless i strike 5.5million toto all to my own one day :D
So I tried my own version of Fruitti-Berri Pie
...and I made 2 Berri-Berri Pies yesterday
I coated the Shortcrust Pastry Shell with chocolate. Reason: to act as a water-proof coating to prevent the pie filling's moisture from soaking into the pastry shell, making it soggy.
And that's my neighbour's abandoned Mint Plant wittering in the hot Singapore weather. Very often I stole leaves from this plant to decorate myBakez =P
And again, I used Jell-O Instant Vanilla Pudding mix for my Pie filling. Just add 450ml of HL Milk (instead of 600ml of milk for pudding). Mix for 2 minutes using electric mixer and its DONE!! :D simple and I love the taste.
~~and here's a slice of my Berri-Berri Pie.... Shortcrust Pastry Shell, coated with a layer of white chocolate, filled with Jell-O Vanilla Filling, sandwiched with a slice of Vanilla Sponge Cake, Topped with a layer of whipped cream, lots of Korean strawberries and New Zealand Blueberries, coated with a layer of Apricot Glazing~~
Its much easier to make a Pie like this using a loose-bottom pie tin... it makes cutting lots easier. I found these from a Bangkok Bake Shop during my last trip there. Its only 70 Baht each. Will stock-up more of these in all sizes during my next trip there in mid-December ;)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ben10 Watch again

Was Trying out my fondant on Ben10 Omnitrix watch again! The smaller Omnitrix watch was did by my hubby wor :D He said my cheong Ben10 Watch look weird so he tried his own version... heheee... Not bad rite?? at least I think it looks nice! But hor, my gals preferred my version leh! hahaa....

This lot was given to my Sister-in-law's twins, Jay & Jeff at my in-law's place last Saturday. They took the watches into the room to play and ate all up b4 my sister-in-law took picture of them ;-) luckily I did after they were done at my home b4 bringing them out :D
Surprised the twins preferred my version too!! hahaa... maybe the kids feel that watches should be in "round" shape instead of "square"??? :D
Sorry Keith, I didn't have them fixed on your cakes as I didn't know how to place them on the cuppies... they just look weird... I promised your mum I'll make 1 using clay so u can keep them as a toy.

For Keith's Birthday ~Ben10 & Princess CupCakes

Ben10 Watch Cupcakez for Keith's 5th Birthday

Initially Keith wanted only the Ben10 Aliens but Auntie Sherynn have no power to create aliens out from my fondant so sorry ;P I can only find this lot of icing images from JB :-)

I did the cheong watches on chocolate fondant as I didn't want the children to eat too much of the black coloring if I were to dye my own fondant.... I think I need to add half a bottle of the "Wilton Black" in order to get the "Black Color" right!!

And I made some Princess Cupcakes for the girls in school as I think they all will be like"ME", not at all interested in "Boy's Toys" :P
Total 49 cupcakes ready to go!! Will be bringing them to school @ 3pm.

I tried a different type of frosting this time. I mixed the Ready-made Cream Cheese icing with Daisy Margerine. Reason: to bring down the "super-sweetness" of the Pillsbury icing. This icing mixture is erm... nice.... :-) and it will stay un-melted without refrigerating, in our super hot & humid Singapore weather for the whole day :D and it kind of bring tone down the "sweetness" of cupcakes. Imagine ~Sweet cupcakes + V.Sweet Fondant + Food Colorings + V.Sweet Butter cream~ the kids will go hyper-active the whole day 8-l **faint**

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Choux Puff with Vanilla filling, topped with Strawberry Melts

After seeing my baking-pal, LH's posting on her super-cute Totoro Durian Puff (, I had craving for choux puff! It had been raining the whole day and i dun even feel like stepping out of my house in this kind of weather. So I spent the whole day browsing net...

I was watching this with my daughters few days ago and they asked me if I will be making any Choux Pastry?? I'll try soon... I promised them. Then I dug this recipe out from vintage Home Economics Recipe Book :D Yes! I still keep this book from my secondary school days... I took Food & Nutrition for my 'O' levels exam almost 20 years ago!!!
I doubled the recipe as I always remembered my teachers were very "ngiow" =P
I omitted the baking powder & replaced margarine with SCS brand butter.
Those days we dun have the privilege of using piping bags for choux puff! We simply scoop some dough with a spoon and dump them on baking trays... tats it!! they still puff up anyway :D
Then I remembered non of us at home fancy the taste of custard fillings... so I tried what the YouTube video suggested ~ Jell-O Pudding filling! Its so simple to make and the taste is so great! I love it a lot :D The Jell-O Vanilla filling tasted very "ice-cream"...they reminded me of those Japanese Cream Puff I used to buy and fly them back all the way from Narita long time ago :-)~
As my little daughter, Tessa is allergic to chocolate, I topped the puffs with strawberry candy melts instead. The Hundreds & Thousands did dress-up my puffs a little ;-)
The little tiny "eclairs" were so Loved by my gals and they requested for more! I made 10 more of those but were snatched-out even b4 I took any picture of them :D even my 2 fur babies had some of the kosong eclairs ;-) just the choux shells! no filling, no melts :-)
I dun have the power of LH to make those 超cute Totoro Puff... but these lot did satisfy that craving which persisted me for the past 24hrs!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Playing with Fondant :D Imitation Ben 10 watch by me =P

Cheong Ben 10 Watch!! by me :D
I've got an order for Nyx's classmate's brother, Keith's birthday on 24Nov for a Ben 10 cake. I agreed to this order as its a just super-simple 30 cupcakes order with Ben10 icing images. So I went Ann's shop, Bakewell @ JB (again :D) to get the ready-made icing images yesterday.

Trying to add some "FUN" to the simple-order, and since I'm quite free today, so I tried making the Ben10 watch using fondant... heheee... since I have 2 girls, I know nuts about boy's toys! so I imitate this from some one's fondant cake pictures published by google images search ;-) so the rightful owner, pls dun sue me for copyright :D

Keith's BD is 2 weeks away... so come back 2 weeks later to see the actual cake lah ;-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Shopping for my hobby again :P

10 Nov: I was at B-I-Y with intention to buy some lollipop sticks but was unavailable:(
then while browsing the shop, i was so in love with these baking & fondant gadgets so i grab them home :D but then, my buying fever is not yet over.... so yesterday, more buys for my hobby @ JB... although the intention was just to get some ready Ben10 icing images for Keith's BD cake.... ended up... more buys!
I saw DG's posting on her Pomegranate Mooncakes... she was making the chocolate mooncake filling using Richard 老师's mould. I wanted it so much but Richard said he dun have them anymore!!! then I saw this silicon mini-doughnut mould at Ann's Shop and tot it may have the same effect?? anyway its only RM22.00 buy lah!!! buy buy buy :D
U see the coffee-bean chocolate mould? I so love it leh!!! can make chocolate coffee bean for decoration on my cakes... future cakes i mean ;P u won't believe its only RM1.80!! **faint**
That pink color block u see is actually Strawberry Candy melt or Strawberry flavoured compound chocolate. Its cheap! easy to use and it smell quite nice too! but same like any other compound, its taste is very sweet! I use that for dipping cake pops! It has very nice texture and is very easy to work with!
And finally, my long-awaited 恭喜发财cutter had arrived @ Ng Meng Huat! :D

Monday, November 9, 2009

PowerBerry Fruit Jelly

Becoming a SAHM had made me a fan of SimplyHer Magazine... Its a long time since I own a updated issue of HERworld or Harpers Bazzar.  Instead, SimplyHer is so much of my everday life of being a "AUNTIE" although i'm a "more-modern" one =P  

Nyx love to go thru whatever i'm reading.  She was not allowed to watch TV as her punishment last nite for being naughty.  So she dug thru my stack of magazines and she found this....  and she wanted me to make her this "PowerBerry Jelly Dessert".  What to do??  Being the faithful servant of this household had left me without any choice :( 

Starting this blog is rather a good idea to keep a journal of what I had done for the kids. Being a SAHM isn't anything I want or like to do... its so boring.  Besides trying to forget my wonderful figure in the corporate world, I have to stay home and be a "AUNTIE".  And I have to pretend not to hear those stupid gossips by all the idolts out there!  People r thinking I'm just staying home doing nothing while I send my girls to full-day childcare centres or spending away my husband's hard-earn $$ X-(  Wonder why people dunno that my husband is earning enough $$ now to give me a more than comfortable life?  and why they didn't know that more than 55% of our house morgage is pre-paid and I actually came out half of the amount?  Hubby is only paying like 5% from his monthly income to service the remaining morgage!  and all from the CPF account, no cash involved!!  I'm not sitting around doing nothing.... I think I earned what I'm doing now AT A BIG LOSS some more as I have no more income :(

Ok ok... enough of whining & complaining... I'm just angry with some stupid aunties out there who kept saying that its so "sayang" or wasted of me to quit my good-paying job and stay at home.  And some stupid relative who thought that I'm always spending on my hubby's hard-earn $$.

Anyway, I love my blog coz its a showcase of all the nice-nice desserts I made for my gals... ;-)

...and I made 12 PowerBerry Jelly Cuppies!

The look, smell & taste of the berries-berries made me smile :-)

My girls love berries and so do I :-)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pineapple Tart again!

I know its not Chinese New Year yet.... its a special request from Nyx!

She said I had not make pineapple tart for a long time oredi.... so I made some today ;-)

And I made 103 tarts in total today!

Recipe & instruction is exactly as my previous posting ;D