Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Strawberry CheeseCake

I was really busy this year with my Nyx entering Primary 1 and in the afternoon session. I still have the passion to bake but I'm always running out of time for everything. So I guess, I will be doing lots of chilled cakes or those without much decoration required :(
I bought this pack of Jell-O No Bake Strawberry Cheesecake Dessert some time ago... so I did this last night... ooooooooooooo! this is so easy! just like what was stated on the box, "Quick & Easy, 15 minutes preparation ;-) then I chilled it in the fridge overnight...
Nice looking & Yummy ;-)
I added more strawberries for decoration purpose ;-)
美不美?我好喜欢wor!! :D
I did whatever it state on the instruction, except I added more strawberries for decorations :D



  1. This cake looks wonderful, Sharynn. Reminds me of a traditional New York cheesecake.

  2. thanks Stella! yes indeed it looks like yummy traitional new york cheesecake ;-) excpet mine not as rich in taste. thanks for visiting :)

  3. Wow! Thanks for sharing this with us. I really need a dessert that I could bring to our upcoming family reunion. My wife tested this cheesecake and it was really yummy! It also went really well with a cup of espresso coffee Great post and pics! Kudos!

  4. thanks mike... i'm glad you and your wife like it too ;-)

  5. Thanks for sharing. We (Phil, Lyn & I) tried, looked good except the strawberry topping seemed excessive and tasted a little too sweet for my tastebuds. Your pics appeared more attractive. Well done!

  6. Thanks Jilyn! I agree the topping is a little too sweet... In fact, I used only less than half the strawberry topping from the pack. Haa...Camera tricks ;-)
