Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Non-Baking.... Obsessed with my hobby ;-) Shopping Vs Baking

I went to BKK for a 5-days "housewife-getaway" shopping trip.... Back with 40kg of BKK ;-)
Love these T-shirts I got for myself @ BKK.... they r only 50-55 bahts each and I love them a lot :D
This is the beautiful Rm 51 of Budacco Hotel where I stayed ;-) my favorite PINK room :D I've stayed in many many 5-stars Hotels everywhere in the world but this is the SWEETEST!!! and I'm sure to be back here to stay soon!! Well-done Budacco Hotel! luv u maxxx...

Cupcakes on my Ts.... am I obsessed??

Sweet sweet Desserts......
I love shopping, especially in Bangkok! :D
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