Monday, December 20, 2010

Korean Strawberries r here!!

Korean strawberries r here again! yay yay yay! more bakez r on the way lor! ;-)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Class 1B Merry Berries X'mas Cake

Saw SU and the HKG cake shops selling cakes like these... so I copycat and did this for Nyx's Class Party @ Alexis' Place today.
Added some details with fondant & snow powder.... The Kids so cute!! they called it a "Hamburger Cake"!! :D Think I'll be making more Rice Cooker cakes in future!! its fast and clean... think it save a little on my power bills too ba! :D

Merry Christmas!!
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Rice Cooker Cake

I bought this rice cooker with baking function some time back.... 1st time trying out the "bake" function ;-)
and this rice-cooker cake is baked in 50mins!! Results is very satisfying!! ;-) I like!
I like the rounded top... coz i wanted to bake cake like su! All her cakes r simply awesome!!! :D
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Microwave CupCake

Had been trying to do this for a while... finally i tried this :D Microwave Cupcake in 1mins 30secs. Haa! Tasted same as oven-baked.. except for the color... its on the pale side, not brown at all.
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Friday, December 17, 2010


hi! for those who r not aware, my 2 precious furry babies left me in october. :( sherry left me on 5 oct at the age of 11... and my dear dongdong refused to eat and also left me 3 days later :'( i dunno how much tears i shed and it still hurts me now whenever i tot of them. they were with me since sherry was 5 weeks old, and dongdong was only 6 weeks. they had been part of my life and i'm not quite used to life without them. sherry is not there to wake me up every morning anymore with her smelly paws..... dongdong is not there waiting for my hugs anymore...... worst still, no one is there waiting to sample myBakez anymore..... :( thats y i've not been baking. i miss my 2 fur babies!! very much! :(. baking is not the same anymore without sherry sticking to my feet when i walk around the kitchen.... i miss their sniffy nose.... i miss my sherry and dongdong :(

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pooh & Friends on log for Jesse's 1st BD

Deep in the hundred acres wood where Christopher Robin plays....

Pelyn wanted a Pooh Theme for Jesse's 1st Birthday Bash...

Testing testing.... showing Pelyn & Keith how the cake is going to be like.... But think they had difficulties trying to visualise what I'm talking about :P

1st time using Decor-set for my cake ;-) Effect is so GOOD!! save lots of my time molding "cheong" Poohs & friends :P And eating big chunks of fondant is too "Yucky" for Pelyn's family (and me too :P) At least, Jesse can play with the Decor-set as toys after the Party :D

I did the cake like tat only.... Then Put the Decor-set on top and the cake is DONE!! easy 吧?!?!!

Photo courtesy of Pelyn.... really glad that everyone love the cakes ;-)

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Pooh & Friends Cupcakes for Jesse's 1st BD

I broke my cupcake record.... I made 75 cupcakes for Jesse's 1st BD celebrations ;-) 1st time using Decor-Picks for my cuppies :D it really made cake-decor FAST, EASY and NICE ;-)
Confession : Actually I'm not confident molding the Pooh and Friends figurines out of fondant lah :P also, I dun have enuff time molding 75 figurines.... so I sorted to this method.... effect? I think I like... :D but I'm seriously very tired!! Started doing on Thursday. Completed on Saturday morning, 3am.... zzzzzz Glad that Pelyn & all like my cakes :D
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Big "J" Cookies for Jesse's 1st Birthday

Pelyn's BB boy, Jesse is 1 ;-) Made 80 Big "J" cookies for friends as "Door-Gifts" ;-)
2 flavours ~Chocolate & Vanilla butter cookies~
Happy Big "J" Cookies :D

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Non-Baking.... Obsessed with my hobby ;-) Shopping Vs Baking

I went to BKK for a 5-days "housewife-getaway" shopping trip.... Back with 40kg of BKK ;-)
Love these T-shirts I got for myself @ BKK.... they r only 50-55 bahts each and I love them a lot :D
This is the beautiful Rm 51 of Budacco Hotel where I stayed ;-) my favorite PINK room :D I've stayed in many many 5-stars Hotels everywhere in the world but this is the SWEETEST!!! and I'm sure to be back here to stay soon!! Well-done Budacco Hotel! luv u maxxx...

Cupcakes on my Ts.... am I obsessed??

Sweet sweet Desserts......
I love shopping, especially in Bangkok! :D
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Teachers' Day 2010

These "Happy Teachers' Day" Cupcakes are for Nyx's and Tessa's teachers @ school

These are for Ms Chua, Nyx's Piano Teacher ;-)
I like the Piano Keyboard CupCake especially ;-) Glad that Ms Chua likes it too :D

These mini cupcakes are for the rest of the teachers and staff @ Tessa's Childcare Ctr ;-)

Pretty present bags from Daiso.... Nicely packaged for Nyx to bring to school... but I dunno if the cuppies will reach the teachers' hands intact =P coz my gal is so clumsy all the time =P hehee...
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Friday, August 27, 2010

BlueBerry Ice-Cream Oreo CheeseCake

Chilled CheeseCakewith BlueBerry Ice-Cream Oreo cookie Crust.

Decorated with BlueBerry Chocolate + MiniOreo + Colorful hundreds&thousands

come n have a slice ;-)

Actually, I dun like the blueberry chocolate at all :P tasted too artificial :( more like those grape-flavour bubblegum I ate when I was very young :P
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House-Keeping.... There goes my Wilton Easter & Christmas set :(

All turned RUSTY liao :( and yes... they r Wilton Easter Set and Makin's Christmas Set :(
And I wonder if those cookie and cake shop ppl will continue to use their "rusty" cookie cutters? or will they ever care or realise their equipements' condition at all?? :P I better bake my own cookies & cakes forever :P

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1st [FAILED] attempt on Dairy Whipping Cream

This is my 1st (FAILED) attempt using Dairy Whipping cream :P and wasted SGD 6.80 :( all thrown inside dustbin :P

I've only been using Pride & Rich's Brand of Non-Dairy Whipping Cream. But it wasn't available @ Fairprice... so my Ice-Cream making partner bought this EMBORG brand to try... but hor, why it turn out "curdy-curdy" one? feel so bad :( throw away her $$ :P In the end, I went back home to get my Rich's brand from my freezer.... then the creammy, creammy, swee swee, yummy yummy ice-cream done and put to set in her freezer liao. But I never take foto coz go to go out with family liao... :D
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Crisco Chocolate Chips Cookies + Raisin Cookies

Got to finish up the can of Crisco before its expiry on 04Sept... =P so u'll see me baking lots of cookies the coming week :D so boring?? yes lor... i had posted so many cookies recipes b4... so no need to say more again lah....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

u like myBakez?

feeling kind of emo recently.... I just like to say that baking is my hobby and I'm not interested (at this moment) to make a business out of it. I do not wish to turn my hobby into a chore :(

Think of it.... when a hobby become a chore, its not fun anymore.... isn't it??

Monday, July 19, 2010

I've got more Awards ;-)

Oh..... my little humble blog is being "awarded" by my dear baking-pal & blog-fren ;-)

A million THANKS to Fatmum & DG for these 2 beautiful awards :D
。。。谢谢。。。谢谢。。。 ;-)