Wednesday, February 29, 2012

29022012 Breakfast: Sweet Corn aka Jagong Muffins

Did this before I go to bed last nite... for my gals' Breakfast this morning.
~~~ Sweet Corn Muffins ~~~
Smells so Yummilicious Good when it's fresh out from the OVEN!!! :D
As a mum, This is the most SATISFYING moment :D hehee...
~ ~ ~ Back to Basic ~ ~ ~

I did this with my Secondary School's 武林秘籍 :D with a little modification. Makes 12 Muffins with that Ikea Muffin Pan.

180g Self Raising Flour
1 tbsp Custard Powder (mine is vanilla flavour de)
120g Unsalted Butter
100g Sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp Vanilla essence
4 tbsp Cream Corn (those from can)

Preheat oven @ 180 degress celcius
Mix at highest speed, butter, sugar and egg+ vanilla essence for 10 mins
(meanwhile, can place paper cups in muffin pan)
Add in cream corn and mix for about 1 minute
Sift in Flour and custard powder
(Then suddenly I remember my CC cake instructor, Richard Goh)
I fold in the flour mixture with my hand lor!!! :D LOLOLOLLL.... :))) hahahaa...
I pour the cake mixture into a piping bag and fill up each cup till 3/4 full.
Lastly, top each cup mixture with a tsp scoop of cream corn

Bake for 20 minutes. Switch to top heat and bake for further 5 mins.

Cool in pan for at least 10mins before taking them out of the muffin pan. Make sure the muffins r completely cooled before u store them in a air-tight container.

Before I serve, I will reheat in microwave for 8 seconds. Yummmmmy!!! :D

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