Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mini Berries Tartlettes

I used to roam in the shopping malls in Orchard Road during my teenage days. Delifrance was something considered quite "atas" to me then... I love to stare at those pretty strawberry tarts which were displayed neatly in the cake fridge. I admired those ppl ordering and eating them. =D Those days I can only admire others coz I had very limited $$ in my pocket :(

After taking up part-time jobs to top-up my schooling expenditure, I happily joined the Q at Delifrance, ordering their mouth-watering Strawberry Tart and Cappacino. But hor, how to eat har??? It's so unglam opening up my mouth so big!!! and if i were to cut the tart into 2, all the custurd filling will go all over the plate!!! dun expect me to lick the plate rite?!!!!??

Hahaa... So i know, eating tart is messy! So, I buy and take-away lor!!! Tapao, then go home and eat can oredi lor!! :D. and i did :D. BUT, by the time i reached home, all the strawberries r detached from the tart liao :(. so messy :(. and so, I told myself.... no more tarts from Delifrance anymore >:(

But i still love berries and tarts... just dunno how to eat them nicely in public :P

Today, I made these mini tartlettes, filled with my very own "Not so sweet" vanilla custurd filling, topped with my favourite Korean Strawberries and blue berries. YUMMMMMM...... :D

coz its so mini, i can stuff the whole thing in my mouth and ENJOY! Not Messy, Not Unglam ;-) Hahaa...


  1. Beautiful mini tarts, and look yummy too! I have something for you, please feel free to collect it from my blog. :)

  2. Thank you so much DG!!! my tears dropping liao :D
    Thank you for the award and thanks for remembering myBakez ;-)
