Monday, October 19, 2009

Green Tea Strawberry Cake (AGAIN! :P) Version 2

Green Tea AGAIN?!!? Yes! I made another GreenTea Strawberry Cake as I was not satisfied with my previous attempt:P I did some modification this time round.

Today's Changes
  • I use only 2 and thicker Sponge Cake Slices
  • I use Yummie Rich's Brand Whipping Cream! added 1tbsp gelatine powder+ 3tbsp water
  • Full-blast (1 tbsp) of Matcha Powder...
  • Mint Leaves for decoration (stolen from my neighbour's garden pot :P) ooops!
So I get "Green" Cake today ;-)
But I positioned the strawberry in the filling wrongly :P

Look Like those "Kek-Hoon" Cake we received for people's wedding???
But My Version look Prettier Of Coz.... :P Hahaa....


  1. Looks very delicious, can I have a slice please? :)

  2. thanks! but so sorry DG, the whole cake is gone :P maybe we should organise a SG baking-bloggers' gathering one day!
