Friday, October 16, 2009

Un-Decorated Cookiezz BY my New CooKie CuTTerzz :D

Finally I open up these cute cutters from their packaging. I made this batch of Oatmeal Cookies for my gals. Wonder how would they react tonite when they come back from school :-?

Oh No!! They are not decorated at all!! Do u think Nyx will reject them?? haaahaa.. :-?

Quite difficult to get the Hello Kitty features nicely embossed as the size is quite small compared to the rest of the cutters.

I still prefer cookies in this shape ;)
so the jar of "normal-looking" cookiezz r all mine :D

I did made some lolly-cookies for decoration... but I'm feeling kind of lazy today so will stick some fondant on the lollies when I'm more in the mood lah 8-l :P

Don't you think that its so hateful to live in this HOT and HIGH-HUMIDITY Singapore =X Our cookies can never stay in the open air for more than 30minutes!!! But so thankful we have a wonderful neighbour call Malaysia :D I can get lots of baking ingredients & gadgets from Johor Bahru at bargain prices. I found zip-lock bags in all sizes which I use them to store my cookies as soon as they r cooled ;)

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