Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oreo CupCakes

Happy Easter.... I have a whole list of things I wanna bake for Easter but.... but.... no time leh :( and I'm finally done with these Oreo Cupcakes in Ice-Cream Cone :D Hope my gals will shout "I LUV U MUMMY" when they see these tonite :D
This Betty Crocker pre-mix is egg-less and oil-free wor ;-)
I bought this Bunny-Stand from B-I-Y yesterday... its so cute isn't it??!!
and that box of pre-mix makes so many oreo cuppies!

more variation intersection ;-)

New Toy for my Chilledz :D

Got these from Ikea... 6pcs in a set for only SGD3.90.... ;-)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Banana Pancake with Love for Breakfast:D

Tessa kept requesting for pancake whenever we walk pass any supermarket shelves with pre-mix packages like this.... so I bought his Betty Crocker Pancake Mix from Sheng Siong last week. and u know what... its only SGD1.95!!
The instruction is just so simple.... u just need 200ml water to be mix with whatever in the package, spoon the mixture on a skillet to cook and that's it!
Then I slice up a banana and drizzle some Hershey's chocolate sauce on them..... yummy! That's our simple, cheap & easy breakfast for today ;-) and everyone is happy :D

2 hearts for Tessa

3 hearts for Nyx

Friday, March 26, 2010

Mango Agar Agar

My Nyx is in the afternoon session... meaning I have limited time to bake and decorate.... so I was telling everyone now I CHILL........... :D Still with cakes...cakes...cakes.... filled in my brain... even my Chilled agar-agar also look like cake :D heheee..... This Mango Agar is inspired by Cherry Potato I saw her posting the other day and I told myself I must make this!!! and I did ;-)

still the SQ way of presentation.... 7 O'clock
5 O'clock
And I made some Mango Agar-Agar cuppies too ;-)

Here comes the instruction
For the bottom layer
  • 1 pack Yogurt Drink
  • 1 pack agar agar powder (no color)
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • put everything in a pot, whisk everything together and bring them to a boiling point. Off the heat and pour the mixture in a mould. Chill in fridge for 30-45mins

For the top layer

  • fresh from 2 mangoes (i use Thai honey mango) - cut into small cubes
  • lay them on the semi-chilled agar agar of the bottom layer (above)

  • 1 litre water
  • 1 pack agar agar powder
  • 180g sugar
  • 3-4 Pandan leaves knotted together
  • Bring everything to a boiling point, off the heat, remove the pandan leave and pour the mixture slowly on the bottom layer laid with mango cubes.
  • Put it back to the fridge to set for at least 4hrs.
  • Done!! ;-)

This is a nice & yummy dessert!! And its quick and easy too!!! Thanks Cherry Potato for sharing ;-)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Strawberry Kulfi

And here's my 2nd Kulfi attempt from yesterday's mistake :D I did this yummy dessert with the correct ingredients called for....
  • half a pack of frozen strawberries (SGD3.00)
  • 1 can of evaporated milk (SGD1.55)
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar (almost free)
  • put everything to buzz for about 1 minute in the blender... then freeze for at least 4hrs.

  • decorate (almost free too :P)
and I did some in the "lollipop style" with this flower-shape ice-cube mould from Ikea, with a lollipop stick popped into the centre after it froze for about an hour....
its definitely PRICELESS to see my girls enjoying this yummy Strawberry Kulfi :-)

Thanks Mr.P for this great recipe ;-)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kulfi ~Instant Ice-Cream, the Indian way~

This Kulfi is very nice!! My girls love it so much and they each finished 2 cups after their dinner and wanted more.......... But somehow, I feel that the texture is just NOT right.... I dunno what went wrong and I just realised while putting this up here, I actually got the ingredients TOTALLY WRONG!!! =P
Frankly, I was so attracted to this Glittering Raspberry Kulfi by Delicious Delicious Delicious. I had never heard of Kulfi before... I dun even know how to pronounce it:P so I did a google search of what it was. This Instant Ice-Cream making instruction seems so easy and I so much wanted to make them for my girls' dessert tonight :D
I remembered I bought a blender many months ago.... maybe more than a year ago to be exact =P and I just opened up the sealed box this morning just becoz I wanna make this Kulfi :D heheheeee.....

just opened!! ;-)

新的wor!! still in plastic!! :D
How come my Kulfi just won't get frozen?? Its still runny although it was in the freezer for at least 7hrs??!!??

HHAAAA!! Becoz I used Condensed Milk instead of Evaporated Milk LAH!! X( Lousy Me X(

Mr. P's Instruction:
Buzz in blender 1 can 410g Evaporated Milk, 1 handful of Frozen Fruit + 2 tbsp Caster sugar


No wonder the texture is not right!!! Becoz I got everything wrong!! :P Forgive me for what I did but the dessert turned out tasting very nice!! At least, my 2 precious princesses love them ;-)

I will re-do the correct version tomorrow ;-) this is seriously Instant, delicious home-made ice-cream :D

Thank you Mr P. of Delicious Delicious Delicious

Agar-Agar from my childhood days :D

I saw the foodcourt at Giant Tampines selling these agar-agar for SGD1.00 a piece!! I remembered I bought them at only 30cents a piece during my secondary school days. So I came back home a did these for my family :D I told my girls, Daddy & I ate agar-agar like these during our "Part-Tor" days :D heehehe....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My 2nd Matcha Tiramisu

Not satisfied with my 1st Matcha Tiramisu..... so I did the 2nd one ;-) This time I didn't dip the savoiardo in the matcha syrup, instead, I lay them neatly in the cake mould 1st, then I brush the matcha syrup lightly on them. (I've learnt how good the "soaking power" of the savoiardo in my previous attempt liao :P)
Ingredients and method same as my 1st Matcha Tiramisu but this time, I've also added 1/2tsp of gelatine powder, dissolved with 1 tbsp of warm water to the curd the filling a little. This made the filling more manageable for me in this hot Singapore weather.

1st time using my Daiso "coffee-art" stencil ;-)

I think they look much better time time ;-) Not sooooo Wet :P

I think I had fallen in love with Matcha :D I love the taste, the smell and the colour..... :D

Friday, March 12, 2010

Agar Agar Dessert

My little Tessa requested for Agar-Agar for dessert tonight... so I did these batch for my gals to snack after Dinner :D Today is the start of this year's Term 1 School Holidays and Nyx will have 1week to stay home with me and the thought of it make my head spin X( TERROR!! I can't stand kids at home with me for more than 24hrs!! 好烦啊!!
Yellow Sea Shells & Blue fishes
Red Roses... I think these r pretty :-)
And I'm glad they like them all..... see, all gone!! :D

My 1st Matcha Tiramisu

I made a Matcha Tiramisu last nite. I sliced it up this morning and was quite disappointed with the result! :( The cake was too dampened with the green tea syrup. That "soaking power" of the Savoiardo must be too good :D I think I will not dip them in green tea syrup in future... instead, I should just brush some syrup lightly on the savoiardo... think that will do ;-)
Anyway, the taste is very nice!! I will make my 2nd attempt on this cake soon ;-)
see, the matcha syrup is oozzzing out!! :( as usual, the left-over filling makes my little Matcha Tiramisu cuppies....
12 Savoiardo Lady's Fingers
Matcha Syrup
1 cup hot water mix with
1tbsp Matcha Powder then set aside to cool, then I add in
1 tbsp of Cointreau
125g Mascarpone Cheese
2 tsp Matcha Powder
150g Non-Dairy Whipping cream
2 tbsp Cointreau
Whisk whipping cream till soft peak, set aside.
Whisk mascarpone Cheese till soft, add in matcha powder
Add in half the whipped cream to the softened cheese, mix for a while and add in the remaining half till combined, add in Cointreau and you'll get that filling done.
I dipped the savoiardo in the matcha syrup but I suggest you just brush the syrup lightly on the savoiardo will do and then lay them neatly on the cake mould. Then spread half filling on top. Then lay another layer of savoiardo, then spread the remaining filling on top. Put in the fridge to set overnight.

and that all made a 挺差劲 but 挺好吃的 Matcha Tiramisu Log cake :P

watch out for my improved version soon lah :D

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Strawberry CheeseCake

I was really busy this year with my Nyx entering Primary 1 and in the afternoon session. I still have the passion to bake but I'm always running out of time for everything. So I guess, I will be doing lots of chilled cakes or those without much decoration required :(
I bought this pack of Jell-O No Bake Strawberry Cheesecake Dessert some time ago... so I did this last night... ooooooooooooo! this is so easy! just like what was stated on the box, "Quick & Easy, 15 minutes preparation ;-) then I chilled it in the fridge overnight...
Nice looking & Yummy ;-)
I added more strawberries for decoration purpose ;-)
美不美?我好喜欢wor!! :D
I did whatever it state on the instruction, except I added more strawberries for decorations :D


New Bake-able Plate from Daiso

I bought these SGD2.00 Bake-able plate from Daiso and was so eager to use them.... So I did these bake rice for my daughter's dinner :D
I fried those overnight white rice left-over from the previous night's dinner with some pasta sauce. And dump in some diced fresh salmon fillet, diced pumpkin, some sliced mushroom and broccoli flower. Then I topped them with a layer of shredded cheddar cheese. Covered in aluminium foil, I bake in the over @ 180°C for 20mins. ~Done~ :D
Dinner is ready with Campbell soup, Cream of Chicken with mushroom :D